🔥 Tech Blips #23.1 In this technology newsletter: Context Map (DDD), CodeScene, Elm and SuperTokens.
The Ultimate Guide To Software Architecture Documentation This guide shows you how to write, structure, visualize and manage software architecture documentation in a lean way using appropriate documentation tools.
🔥 Tech Blips #22.12 In this technology newsletter: Architectural Fitness Function, Context Mapper, Spring Modulith and Gitpod.
Inspirational Technology Radar Examples In this article you will find inspiring examples of different companies documenting their technology management with a technology radar and making the results public.
Which web frontend architecture fits best? This post will help you find the right web frontend architecture that best fits your specific quality goals.
🔥 Tech Blips #22.7 In this technology newsletter: Documentation as Code, AsciiDoc and Asciidoctor.
What is Documentation as Code? And why do you need it? "Documentation as Code" means that your documentation process benefits from the same techniques used in software development.